Why is the image captured by `SCScreenshotManager.captureImage` so blurry?

I am using ScreenCaptureKit to create a screenshot software, but I found that the screenshot captured by the new API, SCScreenshotManager.captureImage, is very blurry.

This is my screenshot. It is so blurry.

But I hope it's like this.

My code is as follows.

func captureScreen(windows: [SCWindow], display: SCDisplay) async throws -> CGImage? {
    let availableWindows = windows.filter { window in
        Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier != window.owningApplication?.bundleIdentifier

    let filter = SCContentFilter(display: display, including: availableWindows)

    if #available(macOS 14.0, *) {
        let image = try? await SCScreenshotManager.captureImage(
                contentFilter: filter,
                configuration: SCStreamConfiguration.defaultConfig(
                        width: display.width,
                        height: display.height
        return image
    } else {
        return nil
extension SCStreamConfiguration {
    static func defaultConfig(width: Int, height: Int) -> SCStreamConfiguration {
        let config = SCStreamConfiguration()
        config.width = width
        config.height = height
        config.showsCursor = false
        if #available(macOS 14.0, *) {
            config.captureResolution = .best
        return config
Answered by Scott in 768644022

Note that SCDisplay’s width and height properties are specified in points, while SCStreamConfiguration may expect width and height to be specified in pixels.

Accepted Answer

Note that SCDisplay’s width and height properties are specified in points, while SCStreamConfiguration may expect width and height to be specified in pixels.

Why is the image captured by `SCScreenshotManager.captureImage` so blurry?