So I have a WKWebView with a loaded page. This page is playing an embedded Youtube video. The playback state is WKMediaPlaybackStatePlaying. All good.
Then I click a link on the page (navigation jumps to a new page) and the video is no longer playing. No video or audio. The navigationDelegate calls -webView:didFinishNavigation:
And my navigationDelegate call -requestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler: on the webview from within -webView:didFinishNavigation:
And in the completion handler of -requestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler: the playback state is WKMediaPlaybackStatePlaying but nothing is playing because we are on a new page....
I even tried calling -requestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler: after a delay but that doesn't seem to make a difference (even gave it a delay as long as 5 seconds)