Swiftdata: CloudKit integration requires that all attributes be optional, or have a default value set

Unfortunately I can not get swiftdata to work for me. I created a brand new project in Xcode, modified no code and the program fails with this error.

Only thing I did was add an iCloud container.

The default code that you are given for a swiftadata object is:

final class Item {
    var timestamp: Date
    init(timestamp: Date) {
        self.timestamp = timestamp

Xcode wants that values in this model to ether be optional or have a default value. I thought this was a bug that had been fixed, but I am on the latest Xcode.

I am not sure how to proceed. If the default code Xcode gives you won't compile, how am I able to code my own?

What was wrong with:

final class Item {
    var timestamp: Date?
    // or
    var timestamp: Date = Date()
    init(timestamp: Date) {
        self.timestamp = timestamp
Swiftdata: CloudKit integration requires that all attributes be optional, or have a default value set