Async operation in LiveActivity

In my App I use Live Activities that are updated using Push Notifications. This works fine and the Live Activities show the correct data.

BUT: The data I get with these Push Notifications contain a geo location (latitude and longitude). And for these I want to display two things:

1.) The address that I want to decode using "CLGeocoder" with function "reverseGeocodeLocation", but this function is async and I can't get the app to start any async function.

2.) I would like to display a small Map with a Pin for this location. I want to use "MKMapSnapshotter" for this. But here the same async problem :(

So, is there a way to handle this? Perhaps I just use the wrong point to start the async function. I tried ".task{}" and ."onAppear{}" But both are not working :(

Async operation in LiveActivity