Please, restore VisionOS simulator for Intel-based Macs.

Just a few days ago, I found the following notes for the visionOS 1 beta 4 Simulator:

This includes the simulator runtime for visionOS. The simplest way to install the visionOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. To manually add this simulator to Xcode, read Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes. Note: Developing for visionOS requires a Mac with Apple silicon.

I'm currently the proud owner of an Intel-based iMac 2019, 27", updated to the latest MacOS version, and which works wonderfully, flawlessly. And I paid handsomely for it.

And now, if I am ever going to continue working on any projects related to VisionOS, I'm going to have to shell extra money (a bit less than what I paid for my current setup) for a machine that will be marginally better than my actual one.

While I do realize there must be technical reasons why Apple Silicon-based machines perform better than Intel-based ones for VisionOS development, I still can't help but notice that, until a week ago, these machines worked almost correctly - there were some bugs, but they weren't showstoppers. And I'm pretty sure these bugs can be fixed.

So, I do not really understand why do you guys want to make this move to stop supporting Intel-based Macs from doing VisionOS dev. It will only force people to purchase machines that they do not need, to make the apps that they want to do, leaving perfectly working machines as if they were useless (which, I cannot state strongly enough, THEY WORK PERFECTLY.)

Dear Apple: Please, do not force us to buy new Macs to do our work. Please, allow us to have the VisionOS Simulator on our existing machines, and let us experience any problem that the Simulator has in our machines by ourselves, and then make the decision to get newer hardware at our pace. It should be our decision, not yours.

Please, restore the VisionOS Simulator, bugs and all, and let us decide by ourselves. Feel free to decide whether it is worth to fix the current bugs at your own pace, but please, do not forbid us from doing our job with our current machines.

I have an intel based mac. It's a shame I paid over $2200 for a 2019 Macbook pro. And I chose a Macbook Pro over Windows specifically because I had an interest in developing Apple products. I am deeply saddened by this decision, and I do not have the money to spend to get an Apple silicon mac to develop for VisionOS. Less than 4 years of support for a device is not something that I would ever expect from Apple.

There is a chicken and egg problem with getting people to develop apps for the Vision Pro. Developers do not want to develop for a device without a user base, and users do not want to get a device without applications made by developers. This move by Apple will certainly make this problem worse and seriously hinder the market for this device.

I posted the same again. I hope I'm not the only one, and I hope that Apple will hear us.

I totally agree. I have a macBook 2019 here, which is just fine. The only "reason" to update would be visionOS development, which is ridiculous. Even worse, I just noticed that Apple also killed visionOS support on macOS Sonoma under Intel, even if you use the old Xcode 15 beta 2. Did not see any notice about this before upgrading the OS. I installed macOS Ventura on a separate drive now, just to be able to continue working. It's a shame.

I posted the same again. I hope I'm not the only one, and I hope that Apple will hear us. Thats really awful

So developer experience is not user experience? We are also the consumers of Apple's products. How can the company hurt a customer's heart?

Wholehearted agree from me :( this is very sad news to force all those perfectly nice computers to end up on shelves, resold, or even worse, landfills.

I agree. Buying a new Mac should be a choice. I bought the 16-inch MacBook Pro Intel, just 3½ years ago and spent about $3500 and it works great. I had tested the simulator for visionOS months ago and had no problems. In case there were any problems, I would be the first to invest in a new machine. But it should be the user's choice. Especially since we are not talking about machines from 10 years ago.

I'm considering doing some light visionOS development on a Ventura / Xcode 15 beta 2 on an Intel Mac, and then maybe publishing it to App Store later on friend's AS Mac. Wonder if this approach would be at all possible? I can't justify buying a new computer just for this. Really a shame they just dropped support like that, as it seemed it would work fine on Intel Macs.

Request to apple team for allow support to visionOS app into Intel Mac.

I am considering downgrading my OS to Ventura to deal with this. But at @waldgeist said, it's probably not the best experience. If I'm trying to get a job developing for AVP, is this even worth trying? For context, my runway for staying unemployed will be reduced by approximately a week if I upgrade my laptop (assuming I can trade-in my laptop and pay a $600 price difference.)

Please, restore VisionOS simulator for Intel-based Macs.

Apple, please re-enable support for visionOS SDK and simulator on Intel Macs!

I could find no performance issues on my Mac Pro 2019..

There will be less visionOS apps developed if you do not support intel Macs, as many developers still use those!

You can easily support it, just like you have always supported running iOS apps in simulator on intel Macs!

Please, restore VisionOS simulator for Intel-based Macs.