Flutter macOS build fails in Xcode Cloud with no matching team certificate

I have Xcode cloud setup to pull the project from Github. I'm seeing this error when the pod install runs:

macos/Runner.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "Mac Development" found: No "Mac Development" signing certificate matching team ID "*" with a private key was found. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')

I have the project automatically signed with my Apple Development cert. Any clue what I'm missing here?

I noticed when I change the signing to manual in Xcode and I try to pull to the provisioning profiles it fails with this error:

no eligible profiles found for Runner matching the macOS platform with bundle identifier xxxxxx.

I have couple of profiles created for macOS in my account and they are associated with the Mac Development cert in my account as well. Does the Xcode project has some mismatching configs?

Worth noting that the iOS project is working fine and building successfully. It can pull the associated profiles with no issues.

@cengkarim were you able to fix it?

I am a newbie with same message - found this while searching for a resolution. Apple says I don't have to enroll in the developer program (with $98.99 annual fee) just to build iOS (in my case MacOS) app for personal use - that is, not for distribution via the AppStore. Of course, Apple didn't have in mind me using flutter - and I'm just following some one else here with a GitHub clone of a cross platform program which I hope to learn enough - if it is possible , will figure that out later - to build for niche platform (Raspberry pi) - which the lead developer says is not a priority - though I am not the only one interested and would help me out too.

Flutter macOS build fails in Xcode Cloud with no matching team certificate