Jump to Definition on Symbols in a Swift Framework's Gigantic Generated "Header"?

So I'm looking inside the documentation for TipKit, which ~1400 lines in a single file of documentation. If I right click a symbol there is no "Jump to Definition" in the context menu.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to TipKit generated "header".
  2. Right click a symbol like Tip (highlighted in bold):

public struct AnyTip : Tip

3rd step) No Jump to Definition menu item appears in the context menu.

Is this intentional behavior?

Oh my, the SwitfUI generated "Interface" is a single 85833 lines and there's no "Jump to Definition" menu item when you right click on any symbols.

And because almost everything is Protocols in Swift you can't reason about the API using this generated interface because when you right click on a protocol you can't jump the definition of the protocol. You got 85 thousand lines to scroll through to find it. Does everyone really like working like this?

Is it really that hard to write a header file? Just asking.

FWIW command+clicking on a symbol works sometimes even though there is no "Jump to Definition" context menu item. I think "Jump to Definition" would be useful since so much is scattered about.

IMHO it would be better if these generated framework interfaces would instead create separate files grouped logically (in the way you would organize them if you were creating the header files yourself) instead of just dumping everything in gigantic generated interface file with protocols and extensions galore and you gotta hop all over the place to get a sense of an API.

Jump to Definition on Symbols in a Swift Framework's Gigantic Generated "Header"?