Failed to install a watchOS app on the device running watchOS 10

I'm trying to install a watchOS app using Xcode 15 / watchOS 10 that was previously running fine under watchOS 9 / Xcode 14. I’m not able to install the app on my series 8 watch running watchOS 10 (see error message below). The app, however, is running fine on Xcode 15 in the series 8 simulator.

The error message reads:

Failure Reason: Try again later.

Recovery Suggestion: This app has the ITSWatchOnlyContainer key set in its Info.plist, which identifies it as a shell app surrounding a Watch-only app; these are not installable.

This app has the ITSWatchOnlyContainer key set in its Info.plist, which identifies it as a shell app surrounding a Watch-only app; these are not installable.
Domain: MIInstallerErrorDomain
Code: 137
User Info: {
    FunctionName = "-[MIBundle validateAppMetadataWithError:]";
    LegacyErrorString = WatchOnlyAppContainerNotInstallable;
    SourceFileLine = 1733;

So far I tried to:

  • set ITSWatchOnlyContainer (App is only available as a standalone watchOS app) = NO
  • enabled all developer mode setting on the Apple Watch
  • unpair and repair the watch
  • restarting Xcode
  • restarting the watch
  • cleaning build folder

Any hints or information if this is an Xcode bug?

Answered by rzumbuehl in 768495022

Work-around found: I could only solve this issue by creating a WatchApp together with a (dummy) iOS companion app. I guess this must be a bug in Xcode.

I found out that the issues is related to the Watch App Widget Extension. If I’m building the app without the Widget Extension, I’m able to install the app. I'm using the default setting when creating and activating the Widget Extension (don't include Configuration App Intent and activate Widget Extension scheme).

Hi, unfortunately I' having the same issue with the App With Widget Extension do you mean WidgetKit and Complications?

Accepted Answer

Work-around found: I could only solve this issue by creating a WatchApp together with a (dummy) iOS companion app. I guess this must be a bug in Xcode.

Failed to install a watchOS app on the device running watchOS 10