This is kind of important for me as well. I've been working on a way to make music more fun with friends as a side project. I'm going to use spotify and rdio's Apis. I would like to use Apple music. Having subscribed to all three, I have stuck with the latter. Right now they require that users have a subscription and developers register the application. Beats music had an api, but this seems to have been abandoned. There are a lot of cool things users could do with our apps and music that could benefit both parties. Spotify requires that an app cannot charge for its music and cannot advertise (obviously). This makes sense. When we use these APIs, we want to build something on top of it. I could understand not providing extensive access to connect. Apple music shines here. It would be really easy for competitors to just incorporate connect in their apps. However, I feel that a streaming api and way to save music to a user's library is essential.