Can I not download the iOS simulator?

I've just downloaded Xcode 15 (3.18 GB), and when I start it it downloads "additional components". It's currently downloading "iOS 17.0 Simulator" (7.56 GB).

I don't need the simulator, but I do need to compile for iOS and run on devices. Do I need this "simulator" download?

I note that while the small download progress window says "iOS 17.0 Simulator (21A328)", the main Xcode window won't let me compile/run the project because it is "Downloading iOS 17.0..." - though I'm not sure if the "..." at the end of that is a truncation eliding the word "Simulator".

Answered by DTS Engineer in 766883022

Yes, you will need this download. The "simulator" download includes the SDK that you need for compiling iOS code.

Accepted Answer

Yes, you will need this download. The "simulator" download includes the SDK that you need for compiling iOS code.

Yes, you will need this download. The "simulator" download includes the SDK that you need for compiling iOS code.

Thanks, I thought as much.

Do you happen to know whether everything that it downloads goes into /Applications/Xcode? I.e. having done the multi-hour download onto one machine, can I copy /Applications/Xcode to a second machine, and avoid repeating this additional download there? In the past I have downloaded the .xip file from to avoid multiple App Store downloads.

(Yes I have a slow internet connection. Maybe it will be faster by the time the next Xcode update comes out - we recently had a building asbestos survey done, which was a precondition for fibre installation. The students next door think the fibre will arrive just after they finish their courses....)

The simulator installations do not go inside the Xcode application bundle, they exist elsewhere on the system. However, given your download setup, you might prefer to download the simulators from the Developer website, so you can cache the download locally. You can then install them through a documented command.

Can I not download the iOS simulator?