Cannot import a Developer ID Application certificate: Error -25294

I looked at other posts with this problem and didn't find anything that worked.

I used Keychain Access and Certificate Assistant to create a CSR; I uploaded that on the portal. Downloaded the certificate, and I get that error whenever I try to import it. I can import it into the System one, but then it's untrusted, and I still can't export it as a p12 file.

This is one of the few times I did everything by reading the documentation as I did it, so I'm very confused.

And I tried it again, and once again am hit by the fact that I can't delete a certificate once it's been created, so now I have two that are indistinguishable, and neither of the works. 😭

And I tried it again

I recommend that you not continue creating Developer ID certificates because you will eventually run out. See The Care and Feeding of Developer ID.

What’s the actual problem here? It sounds like you have a Developer ID certificate and you’re trying to import it into your keychain. Is that right? Are you trying to do that programmatically? Or with Keychain Access?

ps error -25294 is errSecNoSuchKeychain.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Yes I discovered the problem with not being able to delete certificates the hard way. This is an epic failure on Apple's part, I still maintain. As is the inability to identify them in the portal. However:

I created a request using Certificate Assistant; I uploaded it into the portal; I downloaded the certificate, and opened it via Finder. And it was unable to import it. I tried importing it on another machine.

I think I was able to import it into the System keychain, which is not a good idea at all, but then it didn't have a matching key.

I followed the instructions. It failed badly. I have no idea what to do next. Xcode revoked a bunch of certificates, it claims, but I have no idea which ones, and now I cannot build.

And.... after a reboot, it was still not working.

Then I went out to go to the immigration office, and when I came back... there were the two Developer IDs I created, and both had private keys now. And now Xcode builds my test app for me. Debug & Release.

I am completely flabbergasted Quinn.

Cannot import a Developer ID Application certificate: Error -25294