Unable to connect Xcode 15 to iPhone (Error: developer disk image could not be mounted)

I am suddenly unable to connect to my iPhone (running iOS 17.0) in Xcode (either 15 or the last 15 beta). I get this error:

The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.)

I am able to see the disk image iOS_DDI.dmg in the Finder by opening /Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/

I have restarted both computer and iPhone, re-enabled Developer Mode, cleared Derived Data. I am not running a VPN. I am running the latest Xcode. I upgraded from Ventura to Sonoma with no improvement.

Any help appreciated. Unable to run anything from Xcode on my iPhone now, which is quite frustrating.

Details are as follows:

The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError
Code: 12040
Failure Reason: Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.)
User Info: {
    DDIPath = "/Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg";
    DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-10-01 18:33:29 +0000";
    DeviceIdentifier = "A4E1792C-1396-4BAF-A1E1-73C19F9FB8A4";
    IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker;
    NSURL = "file:///Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg";
    Options =     {
        MountedBundlePath = "file:///private/var/tmp/CoreDevice_DDI_Staging_501/A4E1792C-1396-4BAF-A1E1-73C19F9FB8A4/";
        UseCredentials = 0;
    "com.apple.dt.DVTCoreDevice.operationName" = enablePersonalizedDDI;
Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652907
User Info: {
    FunctionName = AMDeviceRemoteMountPersonalizedBundle;
    LineNumber = 2108;
Failed to initialize remote device attributes: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652907
User Info: {
    FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage mountImage:]";
    LineNumber = 1772;
Failed to retrieve personalization identifiers: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652907
User Info: {
    FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage initializeRemoteDeviceAttributes:]";
    LineNumber = 1367;

Event Metadata: com.apple.dt.IDERunOperationWorkerFinished : {
    "device_isCoreDevice" = 1;
    "device_model" = "iPhone14,5";
    "device_osBuild" = "17.1 (21B5045h)";
    "device_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphoneos";
    "dvt_coredevice_version" = "348.1";
    "dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1643.2.4";
    "launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run;
    "launchSession_state" = 1;
    "launchSession_targetArch" = arm64;
    "operation_duration_ms" = 173097;
    "operation_errorCode" = "-402652907";
    "operation_errorDomain" = "com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError.12040.com.apple.mobiledevice";
    "operation_errorWorker" = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker;
    "operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup;
    "param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0;
    "param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 1;
    "param_debugger_type" = 3;
    "param_destination_isProxy" = 0;
    "param_destination_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphoneos";
    "param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0;
    "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0;
    "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1;
    "param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1;
    "param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1;
    "param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 0;
    "param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0;
    "param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 0;
    "param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0;
    "param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1;
    "param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0;
    "param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0;
    "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0;
    "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
    "param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
    "param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0;
    "param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1;
    "param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1;
    "param_install_style" = 0;
    "param_launcher_UID" = 2;
    "param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0;
    "param_launcher_kind" = 0;
    "param_launcher_style" = 99;
    "param_launcher_substyle" = 8192;
    "param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0;
    "param_runnable_productType" = "com.apple.product-type.application";
    "param_structuredConsoleMode" = 1;
    "param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0;
    "param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0;
    "param_testing_usingCLI" = 0;
    "sdk_canonicalName" = "iphoneos17.0";
    "sdk_osVersion" = "17.0";
    "sdk_variant" = iphoneos;
System Information

macOS Version 14.0 (Build 23A344)
Xcode 15.0 (22265) (Build 15A240d)
Timestamp: 2023-10-01T14:33:29-04:00
Answered by cmonsour in 766773022

Update: As a workaround, I was able to get Xcode working with my iPhone again by Eras[ing] All Content and Settings and restoring my iPhone from iCloud. Not ideal, but it worked.

Accepted Answer

Update: As a workaround, I was able to get Xcode working with my iPhone again by Eras[ing] All Content and Settings and restoring my iPhone from iCloud. Not ideal, but it worked.

is there a solution , i tried everything but not able to make it work . Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.) Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice Code: -402652923

same for me.

I was able to resolve this by deleting the path ~/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/

i tried it , but didnt work for me. same error Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.)

Did you find any solutions? Got this error today for all my iOS 17 devices, no problems with iOS 16 devices

Same here, it just stoped working on Xcode 15 -> iOS 17.0.3

Update: no issues with Xcode 15.1 beta

The odd thing is work isn't letting us on the latest MacOS. If I connect my developer phone to my home system on Mac Sonoma I can download with no issues. On my work laptop that is running Ventura 13.6, after the 17.0.3 update I get the dreaded:

Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000105 (kAMDMobileImageMounterTATSUDeclinedAuthorization: The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.)

My guess is the crypto is out of what between the two Mac OS versions.

The dialog above will also bounce to this after a few seconds and then bounce back: "Xcode will continue when the operation completes."

Anyone gotten a work around with Xcode 15 on Ventura 13.6?


Turning off VPN works for me

Happened to me as well. Figured out that the problem was caused by co-existing Xcode 15.0.1 stable and Xcode 15.1 beta on my mac. Deleted Xcode beta and everything works now. Hope that helps.

Turn off the developer mode of iPhone and turn it on again, reboot and the problem is gone.

Hi there,

I'm facing this issue. If it helps, this is how I'm getting around the issue:

  • brew install ideviceinstaller


  • plug in phone
  • make an archive with XCode
  • ideviceinstaller -i MY_ARCHIVE.xcarchive/Products/Applications/APPNAME.app

This will install the app directly to your phone in about 2 seconds. To reinstall, make another archive and rerun the ideviceinstaller command above.

You might need to also do install this:

  • brew install libimobiledevice

You can read more about 'ideviceinstaller' here: https://github.com/libimobiledevice/ideviceinstaller

Best, Lee

Upgraded Mac to Sonoma works for me.

It started when I tried to connect a colleague's iPhone. Disabling then enabling developer mode then restarting the phone worked for me. Hope it helps.

quit Xcode delete ~/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/ Turn off developer mode on iphone restart iphone

then start it all back up and it worked.

I tried the above - and it still isn't working for me - just switching from a 2023 iPad Pro gen 9 to a 2024 iPad Pro gen 10

I just rebooted the iPhone and then it worked again 🥳

Unable to connect Xcode 15 to iPhone (Error: developer disk image could not be mounted)