Xcode doesn't generate memgraph file after UI Test finishes execution


I'm following this video Detect and diagnose memory from WWDC 2021: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10180/

In the video, after the UI test finishes execution, a memgraph is generated. I created a new project and added some UI tests, but after all the tests finished execution, Xcode didn't generate any memgraph.

I'm using Xcode 14.2.

How can I make Xcode generate a memgraph after UI test finishes execution? Thanks for your help!

We get the memgraph on running the UITests via xcodebuild command and on passing the following parameter: -enablePerformanceTestsDiagnostics YES

The memgraph is attached as a part of each UITest and is a part of the XCResult file generated at the end of test. This is generally the last step in the test recorded in the xcresult file.

Attached below is a screenshot for reference.

Xcode doesn't generate memgraph file after UI Test finishes execution