uses triple "arm64e-apple-ios14.0.0", which is not compatible with the target triple "arm64-apple-ios14.1.0". Enabling per-module Swift scratch context

warning: Module "/Users/bitcottechnologies/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RadioMobile-gtiavbyfgdpmohchonbjjkuarovs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/" uses triple "arm64e-apple-ios14.0.0", which is not compatible with the target triple "arm64-apple-ios14.1.0". Enabling per-module Swift scratch context. AddressSanitizer report breakpoint hit. Use 'thread info -s' to get extended information about the report.

In xcode 15 i am getting issue also app is crasing, but same thing working fine in xcode 14.3

Answered by dev-concappt-media in 767172022

Ok, i did some Research: Solution to this at the moment is to disable the Adresssanitzer in your scheme settings. When i did i can finally use my app again on ios 17 with xCode 15

I am experiencing the same problem when trying to build directly to device. However archiving and loading the app via testflight works completly fine. Unfortunately i cant find other resources about this.

Accepted Answer

Ok, i did some Research: Solution to this at the moment is to disable the Adresssanitzer in your scheme settings. When i did i can finally use my app again on ios 17 with xCode 15

Same issue here, but only happens occasionally. I think it might have to do with the use of type(of:, at least that's where it crashes in our app. Hoping this will be fixed soon.

I used Apple Pencil to input text on UITextView, but the program crashed when I long pressed and tried to use the insert function.

warning: Module "/Users/baochengzhu/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/iPad14,1 17.0.3 (21A360)/Symbols/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib" uses triple "arm64e-apple-ios17.0.0", which is not compatible with the target triple "arm64-apple-ios11.0.0". Enabling per-module Swift scratch context

who can help me ?

uses triple "arm64e-apple-ios14.0.0", which is not compatible with the target triple "arm64-apple-ios14.1.0". Enabling per-module Swift scratch context