SwiftData: Accessing a context outside of a view not possible.

Getting a warning from the Xcode compiler about accessing a context outside of a view. It popped up in white text on a purple background, not the usual white on yellow warning color.

The actual warning text is: Accessing Environment<ModelContext>'s value outside of being installed on a View. This will always read the default value and will not update.

This seems to mean that any datastore access must be done within a view, and isn't possible from the model or some sort of DataManager class. Am I reading this correctly? I'm trying to keep the business logic out of the views. I can do it with everything except the datastore code because of this context issue. Doesn't seem to make sense.

Suggestions greatly appreciated.

I am running into this same problem. Did you ever resolve this?

I hope this will help or at least provide hints: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums/swift/trying-to-access-managed-object-context-through-a-model/23266

Receiving the same warning with:

import SwiftData

@MainActor class…: ObservableObject {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
init() {
let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<Location>(predicate: #Predicate {$0.areaName != ""})
let count = (try? modelContext.fetchCount(descriptor)) ?? 0 <<== Warning here

Then the App Crashes

  • Not interested in a View with a List
  • Just a [fetchCount]

You can't access from outside a View, so create the modelContext in a view and give it along


struct HomeView: View {
  @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
  @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
  @State private var dataModel: DataModel? // This is a class to control logic
  var body: some View {
    Button {
      dataModel = DataModel(modelContext: modelContext)
    } label: {
      Text("Go to DataModelUsingView")
    .fullScreenCover(item: $dataModel) { dataModel in
      DataModelUsingView(DataModel: dataModel)
class DataModelUsingView: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
  let modelContext: ModelContext


  init(modelContext: ModelContext) {
    self.modelContext = modelContext


  func editModelContext() {

struct DataModelUsingView: View {
  @StateObject var dataModel: DataModel

  var body: some View {
    Button {
    } label: {
      Text("Edit Data")

something like this, use at your own risk

SwiftData: Accessing a context outside of a view not possible.