DatePicker behaving strangely

I was trying to have a date picker show up conditionally; it seems to work for iOS, but macOS (13, haven't tried it on 14 yet) it ... doesn't. In particular, if I select "custom" in this code, and then click on a date part, it brings up the graphical picker, and I can select a date, but then... it doesn't go away. Clearly I am doing something wrong, but is it clear to anyone who isn't me what that is?

import SwiftUI

extension View {
    /// Hide or show the view based on a boolean value.
    /// Example for visibility:
    ///     Text("Label")
    ///         .isHidden(true)
    /// Example for complete removal:
    ///     Text("Label")
    ///         .isHidden(true, remove: true)
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - hidden: Set to `false` to show the view. Set to `true` to hide the view.
    ///   - remove: Boolean value indicating whether or not to remove the view.
    @ViewBuilder func isHidden(_ hidden: Bool, remove: Bool = false, disable: Bool = false) -> some View {
        if hidden {
            if !remove {
        } else {

enum ExpireType: CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, CaseIterable {
    case never
    case oneWeek
    case twoWeek
    case oneMonth
    case sixMonth
    case custom
    func expires(given date: Date) -> Date? {
        let calendar = Calendar.current
        switch self {
        case .never:
            return nil
        case .custom:
            return nil
        case .oneWeek:
            return .weekOfYear, value: 1, to: Date())
        case .twoWeek:
            return .weekOfYear, value: 2, to: Date())
        case .oneMonth:
            return, value: 1, to: Date())
        case .sixMonth:
            return .month, value: 6, to: Date())
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .never: return "Never"
        case .custom:
            return "Custom"
        case .oneWeek:
            return "One week"
        case .twoWeek:
            return "Two weeks"
        case .oneMonth:
            return "One month"
        case .sixMonth:
            return "Six months"

struct ExpireDatePicker: View {
    @State var expires = Date()
    @State var expireType = ExpireType.never
    @State var didChange = false
    @State var dateString = ""
    @State var showDatePicker = false

    private func updateText() {
        if self.expireType == .never {
            self.dateString = ""
        } else if self.expireType == .custom {
            self.dateString = self.expires.formatted(
        } else {
            self.dateString = self.expireType.expires(given: Date())!.formatted(

     * For the expire date, we want to let
     * the user pick one of the predfined dates,
     * or a custom date.
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .trailing) {
            let _ = print("showDatePicker \(self.showDatePicker)")
            Picker("Expiration date", selection: self.$expireType) {
                ForEach(ExpireType.allCases, id: \.self) { et in
                    Text(String(describing: et))
            ZStack(alignment: .trailing) {
                    .isHidden(self.showDatePicker, disable: true)
                 * This does not work well.
                 * I can't get it to disappear,
                 * or relinquish control
                DatePicker("", selection: self.$expires, displayedComponents: .date)
                    .isHidden(!self.showDatePicker, disable: true)
        .onChange(of: self.expireType) { to in
            self.showDatePicker = (to == .custom)
        .onChange(of: self.expires) { to in
            print("expires changed to \(self.expires)")
            self.showDatePicker = false

Wellllllll I fired up the Sonoma VM (which is some 5000 miles away from me), and it works there, therefore this seems to be a bug in macOS 13.

DatePicker behaving strangely