External Keyboard accessibility

Hi there,

I'm wondering about how certain keyboard keystrokes should work when using an external keyboard to navigate apps.

In particular i'm wondering if there is a difference between the arrow keys and Ctrl+Shift key. The iPhone keyboard shortcut documentation states that Ctrl+Tab moves to the next item - but doesn't elaborate what an 'item' is.

Should you be able to get to every interactive element on a view with both the arrow keys and the Ctrl+Shift key?

Thanks for your help

Hey there, just to clarify do you have Full Keyboard Access enabled in Settings > Accessibility > Keyboards > Full Keyboard Access? This is a feature that allows full control of the device only by using the external keyboard, and in this case: yes, all interactive elements should be focusable by the Full Keyboard Access cursor.

You can watch this WWDC video about Full Keyboard Access here, https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/10120

@Apple from your answer it appears that "item" is every interactive element. You introduce a new term, the Full Keyboard Access cursor, and do not directly state what the cursor is. Please elaborate.

External Keyboard accessibility