Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) Reality Composer is missing

Hi guys, I've just installed the newest Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) and I can see that the Reality Composer is missing. It is not appearing in Xcode -> Open Developer Tool menu. Where/how I can find it? My old reality compose project now opens like a text file, and I have no option to open it in Reality Composer like it was in old Xcode.

I'm kinda stuck with my project, so any help could be useful.

Thanks, J

To access Reality Composer, please download Xcode 14 and launch Reality Composer.app from it.

I have the same problem! Did you find a solution?

I got the same issue, will try Xcode 15 beta 8 later. This bug is insane

Same problem here. Have 3 AR apps stuck with subscribers all over my Emails cause of this. Apple Geniuses, we need this Reality Program working on Xcode ASAP.

Hello. I have the same problem. Why apple erases Reality Composer ? I have some projects with, and it's impossible to continue m works !!!

I too have the same problem, it was working fine in the beta version a few days ago and now it's not. It appears that one now needs to have an Apple Silicon Mac in order to be able to develop using RC in the Developer Tools menu. Great, now I have to buy a new Mac in order to use it? I guess that's one way to get people to upgrade their hardware but it seems rather "un-Apple" to me.

Hi! Same issue for me.

I can't use Xcode 14 because I need iOS 17 feature like Apple Play. I copied Reality Composer app from Xcode 14 to Xcode 15 folder.

But Xcode 15 can't handle .rcproject file and keep giving the following error:

"Could not determine generated file paths for RC project code generation: The command (cd …testRealityKit && /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/rctool generate '--dry-run=true' ‘text.rcproject '--swift-version=5.0') terminated with uncaught signal 6. "

Any idea how to fix this issue?

Thank you!

Xcode 15.1 I too have the same problem

I encountered the same issue. I have an ARKit app, which in Xcode 14 could directly load the .rcproject created with Reality Composer into the project. However, after upgrading to Xcode 15, this project can no longer be previewed or adjusted. The current tool is Reality Composer Pro, which apparently does not support .rcproject and .reality files.

Therefore, we first need to use Reality Composer in Xcode 14 to export to USDZ. For the exporting method, refer to this link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/exporting-a-reality-composer-scene-to-usdz

Then, we need to adjust the app to load and use the USDZ file instead of loading the reality file's URL. This way, any subsequent updates will only require adjusting the USDZ file, which currently seems to be a better approach.

Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) Reality Composer is missing