Xcode 15 breakpoints not stopping on symbolicated code

I've recently installed Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) and when I set a breakpoint it doesn't stop on the line of code where the breakpoint is set. Rather, it opens another window with the hex code. If I press F6 it doesn't highlight the next line of code, but I can see that it moved because the variables are changing.

Is this a known bug? I have tried all the usual stuff like deleting derived data and restarting everything. I have even deleted com.apple.dt.Xcode directory in ~/Library/Caches. to set things back to the defaults. The only thing I haven't done yet is reinstall Xcode.

Unfortunately, this is very bad timing as I need to get my app finished for the iOS17 and WatchOS 10 release.

I have not used Xcode 15 yet, but most of the debugging settings are in the Debug menu. Any fixes for your issue would be there.

I noticed there's a menu item Debug > Debug Workflow > Always Show Disassembly. Is that setting active in your Xcode version?

I have the same issue.

I have the same issue, too. Xcode 15.2 (15C500b), macOS 14.2.1 (23C71). Also tried to fix it by steps mentioned above and it didn't work

@ikiwi, by the way, it seems that Apple knows about this issue and they're working on it (https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/739914?answerId=776922022#776922022). There seems to be a workaround on that which worked for me (https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/744108?answerId=776845022#776845022)

I have the same issue, Any solution found?

Same here. I run Xcode 15.2 on Sonoma 14.2, iMac Retina 5K, 27", 2019, 3,6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9.

I have a fairly large and old project, but debugging iOS stopped working after update to Xcode 15. I did not see NSLog messages any more (console is visible, of course) and breakpoints got ignored if I did not start the iOS app manually instead of automatically.

To see if project settings could be the culprit I made a new project from Xcode app template. Debugging worked flawlessly. Then I tried my old project again without changing anything and now everything works.

Same here I do see the print to the console but BP doesnt stop

Yeah this has been happening recently in Xcode 15

For anyone still having this issue: Debug -> Debug Workflow

Uncheck "Always Show Disassembly"

Xcode 15 breakpoints not stopping on symbolicated code