Drag URL from my app to another using a promise (in Swift)

Hi All,

I have successfully implemented drag & drop of files from and to other apps on macOS successfully using different methods. Including NSFilePromiseProvider for example.

There is one app however, that I use on a regular basis, that only support file urls as drop types. So I have to use public.file-url to drag & drop files there. The problem is that the file does not exist when dragging starts. That's why I would like to send a URL promise to the app, instead of a file promise. I can't create the file beforehand because then I would need to create hundreds of large files which will just take up space.

So whenever I drag an item from my app to the other app, then the file shall be created and the url shall be sent to that app to be opened. But as the other app only checks the pasteboard for urls without handling promises, this is not working. I do have their code available, but can't change the code.

Question: Is there a way in Swift on macOS to drag and drop a an item to another app so that upon mouse up on the other app some async tasks is executed and at the end the other app receives the URL as a result of the async task?

Drag URL from my app to another using a promise (in Swift)