Apple Development Certificates


I have created the free apple developer account for the purpose of learning the iOS development. In my Mac book air M2 two certificates (APPLE DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATES) were created by the XCODE automatically these certificates have an expiry of 1 year from the date of creation.

Kindly tell me what will happen after these certificates are expired, will I be able to create new certificates with my free developer account ?

Will XCODE will be able to create new certificates in the same way after these certificates are expired ?

Or, the existing certificates need to be renewed again ?

I request you to please clarify these points as per the entitlements of my free developer account.

Also tell what is the maximum number of certificates which can be created by XCODE ?

I tried to search on internet but could not find any source which can clear these queries.


I tried to search on internet but could not find any source which can clear these queries.

Indeed. As far as I know we currently don’t have any formal documentation about the limits of our free provisioning (Personal Team) feature (r. 105991057).

what will happen after these certificates are expired

Xcode should handle this automatically, allowing you to continue with your learning.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Screenshot if we try to open "Certificates ,Identifiers and Profile" in our free account.

will be created / renewed by Xcode automatically when they are about to expire or expired

Yes. I’m not sure of the exact mechanics, but my experience is that this just works. I have a Personal Team that I’ve used to exercise various test cases over the years, and Xcode has always just worked for me.

Screenshot if we try to open "Certificates ,Identifiers and Profile" in our free account.

Yep. That’s expected. CI&P is only available to paid developers.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Apple Development Certificates