Passkeys Provider is not working as expected.

It appears that this method from ASCredentialProviderViewController is not being called at all. I am unable to trigger it. Ref

func prepareCredentialList(for serviceIdentifiers: [ASCredentialServiceIdentifier], requestParameters: ASPasskeyCredentialRequestParameters)

I expected it to be triggered when RP has a list of allowCredentials, but I still get:

override func prepareInterfaceToProvideCredential(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest)

Am I missing something?

It's really hard to say without more information. Given that you mentioned an allow list, the most likely answer is that you haven't called saveCredentialsIdentities() on the ASCredentialIdentityStore object. If the system doesn't know that a given extension has passkeys matching a given allow list, it may not show that extension.

Passkeys Provider is not working as expected.