Could not configure Xcode Cloud for a repo with a recent git account username change - how to solve

I have an Xcode project under git version control (github). I recently had changed the github user name. Xcode detects the name change and shows it correctly under Settings/accounts. Push and pull still work as expected.

When I tried to configure Xcode Cloud I got an error message similar to '...Xcode Cloud could not connect with your source control provider...' during initial setup procedure. [1]

The solution for me has been to edit the git config file, updating the URL for [remote "origin"] to the new path reflecting the new git user name.

I would have expected that Xcode would have updated this config file when recognising the github user name change.

[1] A exact German language error has been:

"Die Verbindung von Xcode Cloud mit Ihrem Quellcodeverwaltungsanbieter konnte nicht erstellt werden. Versuchen Sie den Einrichtungsablauf erneut, um Xcode Cloud Zugriff auf Ihren Quellcode zu gewähren. Weiter in Xcode"

Could not configure Xcode Cloud for a repo with a recent git account username change - how to solve