Safari causes VideoJS ERROR MEDIA CODE:4


when I'm trying to record a video in Safari for Mac and the record ends, Safari doesn't load the video and I get this:

""VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media""

I'm using VueJS in the Frontend and Django in the backend. And I can only record in Safari with video/mp4;codecs=avc1. Safari will not allow any other type for the record or the access to the camera or microphone.

In Chrome or firefox it records with video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus and can find the source of it and the recorded video plays without issue.

I'm using a MacBook Pro M1-Chip and the Safari Version is 16.6 on Mac.

Thank you for your help and have a great day.

Safari causes VideoJS ERROR MEDIA CODE:4