How to symbolicate macCatalyst X86-64 crash files on M1/2

Got some crashes in Xcode Organizer from a macCatalyst app and they are not symbolicated. The crashes are from an X86-64 machine, and my work machine is M1. When trying to symbolicate them in Organizer I get an error: "Unable to Symbolicate Crash - An error occurred attempting to symbolicate crash. Unable to locate dSYMs for ...". It makes sense, as I only run the app on M1, and maybe the X86-64 was not built on this machine.

I then went to download the dSYM file from AppStoreConnect/TestFlight/Build Metadata, but there is no "Download dSYM" link, even though the app page says "Includes Symbols Yes".

I then tried to compile the app for "AnyMac (Mac Catalyst, Apple Silicon, Intel)", and now I get a binary with two images, the arm64 and the x86, but the UUID of x86 image is different than the one from the crash file.

How can I get the original dSYM to symbolicate crashes from production?

How to symbolicate macCatalyst X86-64 crash files on M1/2