Array Not Updating in ViewModel Despite Subscription

I'm facing an issue in my iOS app's architecture involving CoreData, the HistoryCallDataService class, and the HistoryViewModel. I'm hoping someone can help shed light on the problem I'm encountering.

Problem Description:

I'm working with CoreData and have an array that I'm managing through the HistoryCallDataService class.

class HistoryCallDataService {

private let container: NSPersistentContainer
private let containerName = "CallHistoryData"
private let entityName = "HistoryData"

@Published var savedEntities: [HistoryData] = []

I'm observing changes in the savedEntities property of the HistoryCallDataService class using the historyDataService.$savedEntities publisher. When the app starts, the array is updated correctly. However, if I add new content, the savedEntities array updates, but the historyArray in the HistoryViewModel does not reflect these changes.

import Foundation
import Combine

class HistoryViewModel: ObservableObject {

@Published var searchText:String = ""
@Published var historyArray: [HistoryData] = []

private let historyDataService = HistoryCallDataService()

private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

var selectedContact: HistoryData? = nil

@Published var filteredContacts: [HistoryData] = []


func addSubscribers(){

        .debounce(for: 1.0, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
        .sink { [weak self] (returnData) in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            self.historyArray = returnData
        .store(in: &cancellables)

func updateFilteredContacts() {
    if searchText.isEmpty {
        filteredContacts = historyArray
    } else {
        filteredContacts = historyArray.filter { contact in
            contact.firstName?.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) ?? false ||
            contact.lastName?.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) ?? false ||
            contact.telephone?.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) ?? false

The view:

    private var contactList: some View{
        ForEach(vm.filteredContacts) { item in
                VStack(alignment: .leading){
                    Text("\(item.firstName ?? "N/A") \(item.lastName ?? "N/A" )")
                    Text("\(item.telephone ?? "N/A")")
                VStack(alignment: .trailing){
                    Text("\(item.time ?? "N/A")")
                    Text("\(item.callHidden ? "Hidden" : "Normally ")")
                        .foregroundColor(item.callHidden ? :
            .onTapGesture {
                vm.selectedContact = item
            .listRowBackground(vm.selectedContact?.telephone == item.telephone && showingCallAlert ? Color.theme.gray : nil)
        .onDelete(perform: { indexSet in
            for index in indexSet {
                let contactToDelete = vm.filteredContacts[index]
                vm.delete(entity: contactToDelete)
                vm.searchText) { _ in
                .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in
                    if newPhase == .active {

If anyone has encountered a similar situation or has insights into what might be causing this behavior, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. Thank you in advance for your help!

Where do you call addSubscribers() except in init ?

i call to addSubscribers() only in init but if i call it from if newPhase == .active or .onChange(of: vm.searchText) i still not updated the array

When I delete content the array is updated, only when I add to the array it does not work. the savedEntities get the new content, but the historyArray the not updated! even i call updateFilteredContacts() again.

Array Not Updating in ViewModel Despite Subscription