How to get @FetchRequest respect fetchLimit when new records are added

How can I keep the fetchLimit constant even when new data is inserted?

To replicate this, you can create a new Project in Xcode and check "Use Core Data". I use this code to apply fetchLimit:

struct MyView: View {
@FetchRequest private var items: FetchedResults<Item>

init() {
    let request: NSFetchRequest<Item> = Item.fetchRequest()
    request.fetchLimit = 3

    _items = FetchRequest(fetchRequest: request)

This code works. For example I have 10 Items and when I open the app - only 3 are displayed! But when I add a new Item on the fly - @FetchRequest just adds it to the View and now it displays 4 Items!?

How can I make @FetchRequest keep updating the View reactively, but respect the fetchLimit to always show the latest 3 Items only?

I'm having the same issue. Any luck with finding a fix?

How to get @FetchRequest respect fetchLimit when new records are added