Xcode Cloud: A scheme named "x" does not exist in x.xcodeproj

I have checked that my scheme is shared and I do in fact have the scheme in my xcode project. But whenever I try to run Xcode cloud, it fails with the message that "A scheme named 'MyAppScheme' does not exist in MyAppProject.xcodeproj"

Any tips on what I could be doing wrong?

Well, it happened for me after renaming the project. It is just a wrong setting in the Appstoreconnect Xcode Cloud tab. For me it was in the Actions Archive - IOS section, Scheme dropdown. I have selected the correct scheme and build succeeded.

Seeing the same issue, no visible reason. The scheme clearly exists, project was never renamed, in archive section it has the right scheme selected; though it shows a warning 'The scheme ... may only exist locally...'

Hi! Did you resolve it? Have the same issue

Xcode Cloud: A scheme named "x" does not exist in x.xcodeproj