Color issues in Xcode Beta 6 using video material for visionOS

Video materials that showed the colors properly in Xcode beta 2 have a green purple color issues in Xcode beta 6. See attached screen captures. Using code example published by Apple

Colors as they should be displayed in the video:

Colors as shown in the visionOS simulator:

Used sample code provided by Apple's example.

Update: This seems to be related to the format of the video files. It is happening with mp4 files. MOV Files are played with the proper colors.

Hi @fportela is this example still compiling for you? I also am trying to use the sample code provided by Apple in the link you shared, but anytime I try to initialize the VideoMaterial(avPlayer: player) line, I get the error: "Argument passed to call that takes no arguments" Curious if you are seeing this? I'm using the latest beta 8

@stevenhoward , the line VideoMaterial(avPlayer: player) does compile ok with beta 8 but I am seeing different behavior with this latest beta, for ex., attachments stopped working for me, even after making the small api changes.

I was able to get attachment working. It was just a matter of placing and scaling.

Color issues in Xcode Beta 6 using video material for visionOS