Xcode 15 beat6 Assertion failed: (false && "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits"), function operator(), file Layout.cpp, line 5758.

Xcode 15 beat6

0 0x102aa3698 __assert_rtn + 72 1 0x102a5e284 ___Z13dispatchApplyIRKmZ15dispatchForEachIKN6mach_o13CompactUnwind11Diff24FixupEZNK2ld16LayoutExecutable18writeCompactUnwindENSt3__14spanIhLm18446744073709551615EEEyRKNS7_13SectionLayoutEE4$_26EvNSA_IT_Lm18446744073709551615EEEmT0_EUlmE_EvOSG_SI__block_invoke + 0 2 0x183470440 _dispatch_client_callout2 + 20 3 0x183485544 _dispatch_apply_invoke_and_wait + 224 4 0x18348484c _dispatch_apply_with_attr_f + 1180 5 0x183484a38 dispatch_apply + 96 6 0x102a5e52c ld::LayoutExecutable::writeContentWithoutLinkEdit(std::__1::span<unsigned char, 18446744073709551615ul>, unsigned long long) + 672 7 0x102a641b4 ld::LayoutExecutable::writeToFile(char const*) + 15248 8 0x102a16af8 main + 8876 ld: Assertion failed: (false && "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits"), function operator(), file Layout.cpp, line 5758. clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


I'm experiencing the same issue with the Object Capture Sample App in beta 6.

I had previously updated the sample project code to work with Apple's changes in the previous beta. I am embedding it as a framework inside of another app but am receiving this error now when building. I wasn't experiencing it prior to updating to the latest Xcode beta version. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am also getting this error with the latest Xcode 15 beta 6 I just downloaded today.

Same issue here, any update?

setter other linker flags add "-ld64"

The "-ld64" Other Linker Flag worked for me! With that said, it also gave me a "-ld64 is deprecated, use -ld_classic instead" warning. I can confirm that both `-ld64" and "-ld_classic" fixed my issue.

Xcode 15 RC didn't fix this. I send a FBA to apple: FB13186367 (Xcode 15 RC linker issue)

I am also getting same error after downloading Xcode 15, any solution from Apple ? though after adding "-ld64" in Other Linker Flag worked for me.

Also having this issue.

oh no , that is not -Id64 it is -ld64

for the ones, confused as I was, it is LD lowercase, not id :)

Worked for me (LD lowercase). Thank you! Added it to all the options under Other Linker Flags.

I sent this issue to FBA. The issue was confirmed and will be fixed in Xcode 15.1.

Note that for Unity builds you have to add -ld64 to both Other Linker Flags under Unity-iPhone and UnityFramework.

For me what seemed to work was updating Unity from v2022.3.11f1 to v2022.3.14f1 Then reinstalling Xcode to v15.0.1

Then in Xcode under PROJECT select Unity-iPhone, select the Build Settings and search for "Other Linker Flags" and double click it, then add "-ld64" to it. (-LD64, not -ID64)

The project archived successfully, but it gave me an error when uploading it to AppStore Connect. I fixed this issue by selecting "UnityFramework", then in Build Settings set "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries" to No

Xcode 15 beat6 Assertion failed: (false &amp;&amp; "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits"), function operator(), file Layout.cpp, line 5758.