Find the name of a CNContact's group (CNGroupName)

So I only recently uncovered the Contacts Framework through this video: As such I'm not yet accustomed to the API. Basically my main problem is that I can't seem to find a way to access the name of the group a CNContact is in. The only support I can find is in Apple's own documentation, which isn't very helpful. if someone could point me in the right direction towards how to print the group name, I would be very grateful. My code is below, Cheers

//  ModelData.swift
//  B-Day

import Foundation
import Contacts
import SwiftUI

 struct Contact: Identifiable {
     let id = UUID()
     let category: String
     let firstName: String
     let lastName: String
     let birthday: DateComponents?

 func fetchAllContacts() async -> [Contact] {
    var contacts = [Contact]()
    let store = CNContactStore()
    let keys = [CNContactGivenNameKey, CNContactFamilyNameKey, CNContactBirthdayKey, CNContactIdentifierKey, CNGroupNameKey] as [CNKeyDescriptor]
    let fetchRequest = CNContactFetchRequest (keysToFetch: keys)
    do {
        try store.enumerateContacts(with: fetchRequest, usingBlock: { contact, result in
        //this should print the name of the contact's group
            contacts.append(Contact(category: contact.groupName, firstName: contact.givenName, lastName: contact.familyName, birthday: contact.birthday))
    catch {
    return contacts
Answered by DTS Engineer in 770543022

Fetching the group associated with a contact involves many steps as described below. Note that a contact may belong to one or more groups.

  1. Fetch all groups using groups(matching:) with the predicate set to nil.
  2. Iterate through all the fetched groups.
  3. Find all contacts associated with each group using predicateForContactsInGroup(withIdentifier:).
  4. Compare each fetched contact to the contact that you are looking for. If there is a match, then the associated group is the one that you are looking for.
  5. Use the name property to fetch the name of the group.
Accepted Answer

Fetching the group associated with a contact involves many steps as described below. Note that a contact may belong to one or more groups.

  1. Fetch all groups using groups(matching:) with the predicate set to nil.
  2. Iterate through all the fetched groups.
  3. Find all contacts associated with each group using predicateForContactsInGroup(withIdentifier:).
  4. Compare each fetched contact to the contact that you are looking for. If there is a match, then the associated group is the one that you are looking for.
  5. Use the name property to fetch the name of the group.
Find the name of a CNContact's group (CNGroupName)