Xcode15 beat5 debug extramely slow

the xcode will freze for 3mins when hit a breakpoint. it report "Fetching variables on ***'s iPhone" it happens when hit a new breakpoint, and the xcode will freeze for 3mins, then it will be ok. anysolution? its wasting my time.

the xcode continue print the log below: (arm64) /Users/xx/Desktop/patch/Project/Pods/TestSDK/vendor/***.framework/***(FPEncryptMsg.pb-c.o) 0x00000c22: unable to locate module needed for external types: /Users/packagedevice/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/38MC9CUKFC6LS/Darwin-MI6WZSG1PNOM.pcm error: '/Users/packagedevice/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/38MC9CUKFC6LS/Darwin-MI6WZSG1PNOM.pcm' does not exist Debugging will be degraded due to missing types. Rebuilding the project will regenerate the needed module files.

Our project has many dependencies which are binary file. And these dependencies are build in the remote serve。Anyone has ideas about this

Showing Recent Issues (arm64) /Users/sanjiusijiushijingshan/szplusnews/SZPlusNews/SZPlusNews/ThirdParty/TXLoginoauthSDK/TXLoginoauthSDK.framework/TXLoginoauthSDK(TXLoginUIModel.o) 0x00002133: unable to locate module needed for external types: /Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/DR87TTK87G07/CoreGraphics-1TH4RJJRQVFOC.pcm error: '/Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/DR87TTK87G07/CoreGraphics-1TH4RJJRQVFOC.pcm' does not exist Debugging will be degraded due to missing types. Rebuilding the project will regenerate the needed module files.

Same issus.

I had the same problem. How did it end

Xcode15 beat5 debug extramely slow