Can't remove GitHub repository

I give up and need some help. I picked up another GitHub repository into my project when adding a file from another project through Xcode add file/copy and so on. I can't seem to find out what file it's pointing to despite deleting it from the project. Also, I can't seem to get rid of the extra repository. Any help in how to clean this up would be appreciated. I want to get rid of the ex-login-1 GitHub in this project. That said I do not want to get rid of ex-login-1 as it's own GitHub Xcode project. I just need to get these two separated. On the ex-login-1 Xcode project it has no reference to the Zentastic project so this is one way.

Maybe you copied the other project to the same directory where the Zentastic project is? Therefore, you have two git repositories visible in the Xcode project? Just move the other project out of the same directory (using Finder), would that help? Can you find two .git directories starting from the root directory of your project? Then you have two repositories there and Xcode will show them.

I'd start looking at this not from Xcode but from Finder and/or Terminal and fix things there.

Just one git repository.

Sorry ex-welcome-1 vs ex-login-1 but Xcode is hanging on to both repositories.

I had a problems with git changes and git repositories in Xcode. I solved the problem with this:

1 - I deleted from xcode project all files added from another projects by menu: File > Add file to your project I believe the Xcode automatically add related projects in git changes and repositories when you do this. 2 - I disabled the git source control in menu: Xcode > Settings > Source Control tab > enable source control button 3 - I closed the Xcode and clean the cash using the DevCleaner software avaiable on App Store. 4 - Enable source control again and the projects its gonna be removed and just the main repository you are working it was avaiable.

Xcode version: 15.0 Mac version: 14.1.2

Can't remove GitHub repository