Change MapKit region update animation duration on macOS

I'm writing a multiplatform app that uses MapKit with custom tiles via MKTileOverlay. The map should have buttons for zooming in and out. Those buttons set the region of the MKMapView with animation parameter.

I want to make this animation faster. While good for generic change of a region, it feels too slow when changing the region for the zooming purposes.

In general, I'm working with SwiftUI. But because MKTileOverlay is not available there, the MKMapView is being accessed via the UIViewRepresentable and NSViewRepresentable respectively.

On iOS, to make animation faster (reduce animation time), I'm using

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
    mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)

and it achieves the goal.

On macOS, I tried:

NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup { context in
    context.duration = 0.2
    mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)


mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)

but without success. The default animation duration is not overridden.

I appreciate any input you could give me.


Change MapKit region update animation duration on macOS