How to hide LayoutView from a Layout?

I have implemented a custom Layout, specifically a label view that hides any trailing views that are clipped.

Now in my placeSubviews() method - even if I don't explicitly place a view - SwiftUI will layout the view and show it.

As there seems to be no way to hide a LayoutSubview, I have resorted to placing the view somewhere very far off screen like this

let maxOffset = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
let offScreen = CGPoint(x: maxOffset, y: maxOffset) offScreen, proposal: .unspecified)

but I don't really like this solution.

Is there an official Apple "sanctioned" way how to hide LayoutSubviews inside a Layout?

I have the exact same issue. When you don't place the view (& hence are trying hiding it), it just puts it in the center. Which in my opinion is a bug Apple should fix

How to hide LayoutView from a Layout?