SwiftUI cannot fetch entity records

I am trying to get all records from Entity Location and pull the data from the entity to create a array of strings and display in a MenuPicker. In getLocationNames() ForEach statement it never pulls locations even though there are records. Also I do have a warning on that line: Result of 'ForEach<Data, ID, Content>' initializer is unused

        entity: Location.entity(),
        sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "locationName", ascending: true)]
      ) var locations: FetchedResults<Location>
    @State private var locationNames: [String] = []
    @State private var locationDetails:[String] = []
    @State private var selectedLocation: String? = nil
    @State private var location: Location? = nil
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            ScrollView (showsIndicators: false) {
                HStack {
                    Text("Select Location")
                    Picker("Location", selection: $selectedLocation  , content: {
                        ForEach(locationNames,id: \.self, content: { locationName in
                            Text(locationName )
                    .onReceive([self.selectedLocation].publisher.first()) { value in
                        selectedLocation = value
                        print("selectedLocation: \(selectedLocation ?? "not found")")
                    .onTapGesture {
                        // self.callWeatherAPI(location: selectedLocation)
                        if ($selectedLocation.wrappedValue != nil) {
                header: {
                    Text("**Current Weather**")
                        .padding(.top, 10)
                .toolbar {
                    ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
                        // Button("Save", action: { Task { try? await rI?(nameInput, phoneInput) } })
                        Button("Detail", action: { onAdd()
                        } )
    func getLocationNames() -> (Void){
        ForEach(locations) { location in
            locationNames.append( self.getLocationString(location: location))
    private func getLocationString(location: Location) -> String {
        var locDetails: String = location.locationType! + "; "
           locDetails += location.locationName! + ", "
           locDetails += location.zip!
        return locDetails