Hi I would like to tell you how I solved the problem with Xcode of these frequent Internal errors that read : "An internal error occurred editing functionalities may be limited". Xcode version: 14.3.1 macOS version: Ventura 13.4. These errors usually appear when there is some code that crashes the compiler. This code can either be written by you or integrated into a package you install on your project such as Firebase or Kingfisher. I noticed Kingfisher causing this error, so in my project that used it I replaced it with SDWebImage ( super simple to use just like kingfisher, they have the same syntax). Firebase instead seems to cause the internal error in more recent versions but I'm not sure because I opted to use the 10.8.1 version as fixed, without updating to the most recent every time. I want to reiterate that your own code can also cause it, for example if you try to access a firestore library like this: db.collection("My collection").document(emailTextField.text ?? ""), this code from a logical point of view makes no sense because it is not possible to give an empty string as the default value of the optional because this cannot be the name of a document; but if you try to write this code xcode will not give you any error in red but the string will crash the compiler showing the internal error. If you run into some code you wrote that crashes the compiler delete the line of code, clean up the build folder and restart your mac, when you reopen the project you shouldn't have any errors. If instead it's a package that crashes your compiler: uninstall it, clean the build folder and reboot. If the error is always shown create a new project not installing the faulty package. But that's not all, because the most absurd thing is that most of the time that the internal error is shown is due to a bug! In fact this will be shown every time the project is opened on the storyboard and then a viewcontroller file is selected, the solution is to close the project on the viewcontroller file so that when it is reopened it will open directly on it without going through the storyboard. After that, you can switch to the storyboard at any time without anything happening. I write this message for all those who have encountered this obstacle on their way, I lost many months understanding this problem and it really tortured me, but I won and I managed to create a clean project which I then published on the appstore.

I apologize if the message is not perfect but I'm Italian and I don't know English well. Hopefully the Xcode team will fix this by making this error an easier thing to deal with.

Remember developers never let a computer know that you are in trouble, you can overcome any problem, is the man who created the computer and not the other way around so we will always win against him.

Thank you all and good developing.