WKWebView on iOS 16.4 is not rendering the background color on an html element

I have an html file embedded in my app that renders as expected (and has for years) on iOS versions up to 16.2 (not sure about 16.3 - haven't tried that yet). Now on iOS 16.4, the background color of one of my html elements is not being rendered.

It can't only be me, this is very normal css:

#bizAndClientContact { margin-top: 40px; background-color: #EEEEEE; padding: 25px; }

I'm really at a loss. Is this a known issue?

UPDATE: My original post was misleading as I was misunderstanding part of the problem specific to my application. In any case, there is still a problem and it turns out it appears to be an unexpected change in WKWebView's print rendering (not html rendering as I originally thought). All of a sudden printing background colors seems to be off by default.

I was able to resolve the issue using this answer on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75882507/1165843.

WKWebView on iOS 16.4 is not rendering the background color on an html element