Forcing WKSupportsAlwaysOnDisplay to NO in info.plist causes animation lags in an app on watchOS

I am developing a companion app in SwiftUI for an existing iOS app. When setting WKSupportsAlwaysOnDisplay to NO in info.plist on the simulator and three different watches, animations start to lag: both in system components (like Picker) and custom ones.

When WKSupportsAlwaysOnDisplay is set to YES and the user disables Always On mode support on the watch in system settings, there are no such animation issues.

Deployment Target is installed on watchOS 9. The app supports Workout Processing and Audio background modes.

This should be resolved in the next seed. If you’re still seeing issues in beta 4 (not available yet), please file Feedback asap & post the number here. Thanks!

Forcing WKSupportsAlwaysOnDisplay to NO in info.plist causes animation lags in an app on watchOS