I have a program that reads in CSV data from a text file on disk. It converts it to an array. It then encodes this array into a JSON string. It all works. The problem I have is the during the encoding process a double like 402.71 is converted to 402.70999999. How do I control the encoding process so that this number is 402.71 in the JSON string. Below is a line of CSV data, a line of the resulting array element and the resulting JSON object, the encoding function and the structures used for creating the array from the CSV data.
CSV data:
07/07/23, 403.03, 406.679, 402.71, 402.89, 3668080
Resulting array data:
TradingDays(tradingday: [DownloadHTML.Tradingday(timeStamp: 2023-07-07 00:00:00 +0000, open: 403.03, high: 406.679, low: 402.71, close: 402.89, volume: 3668080),
Resulting JSON object:
"tradingday" : [
"timeStamp" : "2023-07-07T00:00:00Z",
"low" : 402.70999999999998,
"high" : 406.67899999999997,
"volume" : 3668080,
"open" : 403.02999999999997,
"close" : 402.88999999999999
func EncodeTradingDays (tradingDays: TradingDays) async -> String {
var jsonData: Data?
var jsonString: String
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
jsonEncoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601
jsonEncoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted]
do {
jsonData = try jsonEncoder.encode(tradingDays)
} catch {
print("error encoding json data")
jsonString = String(data: jsonData!, encoding: .utf8)!
return jsonString
Data structures:
struct TradingDays: Codable {
var tradingday: [Tradingday]
struct Tradingday: Codable {
var timeStamp: Date
var open: Double
var high: Double
var low: Double
var close: Double
let volume: Int
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case timeStamp
case open, high, low, close, volume