AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry notification not triggered when observed

We are currently observing AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry notification event to track error from AVPlayer which later will be written in our logs to help us identify issue in production.

But when we checked again, turns out currently the notification is not getting triggered causing many missing crucial information in our logging to debug issue that occurred related to AVPlayer as we need the errorComment information inside the error log event. Meanwhile, the accessLog event get triggered just fine.

But if we check the error directly, it said that the errorLog is not empty and we can retrieve the errorLog manually by accessing the errorLog from AVPlayer.currentItem directly. (can refer to the screenshot below regarding the error from console)

Is there something wrong with our implementation or it is indeed a bug from Apple ?

We already filed bug report with number: FB12580746 and we are using Xcode 14.3.1.