WWDC videos removed

I am looking for some older WWDC sessions, for example "High Performance Auto Layout". It was available month ago by link https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2018/220/. Now the session is unavailable, and there are only few left from WWDC2018. The same issue I experience with some other WWDC sessions.

Why does Apple remove older sessions? And where can I find them?

I don't know why Apple removes some sessions instead of just marking them as outdated (if the are). Maybe this article will give you a clue: "Apple’s copyright claims ripped down a fan’s archival WWDC YouTube channel" here: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/6/23443215/apple-copyright-claims-ripped-down-fan-archival-wwdc-youtube-channel

The video you are looking for can be found here: WWDC2018 Session 220 High Performance Auto Layout in mp4 format.

WWDC videos removed