Hi, I used Background assets to download files during install/update events. The debug build works fine when I trigger the install event through terminal. The same code base (with different bundle ID ) is used in Test Flight build. But the file is not downloaded when I install the TestFlight build. I'm getting following error in Console while installing the TestFlight build.
sometimes, i'm getting Failed to notify extension about finished download: BAURLDownload (0x61a80ab98):
guard let url = URL(string:"https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2021/10220/6/3866585A-3920-44B4-AB3F-03A446FCDE3A/downloads/wwdc2021-10220_hd.mp4") else{
return Set()
switch (request) {
case .install, .update:
let essentialDownload =
identifier: "avtar345",
request: URLRequest(url: url),
essential: true,
fileSize: 155384552,
applicationGroupIdentifier: appGroupIdentifier,
priority: .default)
case .periodic: break;