I would like to learn Xcode programming on MacOS. I was wondering if anyone knows of a step by step method. Where I can learn one command at a time but also all the nuances and syntax and instances for that command (function). I see a lot of tutorials for iOS programming but I would rather start and end with MacOS, but anything helps. I would like immersive instruction like what you would find in a cad classroom.
Is there a book or webpage that teaches Xcode step by step
A good start is to use Apple books: "Intro to app development with Swift" is a good start.
I have searched that phrase "intro to app development with swift" and there were no exact matches. I tried to contact apple support and they referred me to the forums and user created content. I'm on the brink of using one of my two code level supports or not renewing my developer account at all. I really want to use Xcode though instead of third party tools. Can someone please post links to MacOS development educational material.
https://cs193p.sites.stanford.edu It’s the best by far. So sad they did not refresh the classes in the last 2 years. But still very good.