SwiftData crashes the app

I get the following error when I try to add the modelContainer to the Window

SwiftData/DataStoreCoreData.swift:119: Fatal error: Unable to determine Bundle Name

I'm seeing the exact some problem. I'm trying to setup a read-only database to ship with my app bundle so I don't have to waste the users network data or time building this database on first launch.

Add special linker settings to reference Info.plist and define that file.

targets: [
        name: "MyProgram", 
        dependencies: [],
        linkerSettings: [ .unsafeFlags([
            "-Xlinker", "-sectcreate", 
            "-Xlinker", "__TEXT",
            "-Xlinker", "__info_plist", 
            "-Xlinker", "Sources/Resources/Info.plist" 
        ]) ]
SwiftData crashes the app