Mulitple Targets with shared Localizable file. Cannot convert to String Catalog

In my project I have 3 targets. A macOS target, a target for iPhone and a target for iPad.

The macOS App has an own Localizable file and I have been able to convert this to string catalog without any issues. I like this catalog!

But when I try to convert the Localizable file that is shared between 2 targets, then targets fail to compile afterwards with the following error message: ...mul.lproj/Localizable.xcstrings:1:1 Localizable.xcstrings cannot co-exist with other .strings or .stringsdict tables with the same name.

Does anybody have an idea how I can resolve this? Do I need to keep individual copies of the Localizable file for these 2 targets?

Well it seems by deleting all Localizable files from this target I was able to solve the issue. After that I created a new Localizable file with the same targets and I created all localizations again. Then I was able to copy the already localized version back. After that the conversion to the string catalog is working again.

Mulitple Targets with shared Localizable file. Cannot convert to String Catalog