Too Complex to Compile?
Ventura 13.4.1
New error after update to Xcode 14.3.1 from 14.3.0
// ... <= -(roomHeight/2 - kFudge) too complex to compile ??
if (playerPosY - playerHeight/2) <= (kFudge - roomHeight/2)
// ... this variation works, the previous one doesn't
and the other parms are declared Double!
within AppDelegate
I don't understand what is suddenly wrong after Xcode update.
Claude, I am going to go just with (2) because it works and less typing than (1). Certainly less than your Double(2) recommendation.
All this still seems a little like “black magic” = “try this .. try that .. try something else“.
SO it’s back to SKTextures and other game-stuff.
Claude, I cannot possibly thank you enough for your sticking with me. 5 smiley faces for you.