How is the Xcode 15 Beta download supposed to work?

After I realized that the download site now tries to open a popup, I was able to get the download for Xcode 15 Beta and the selected Simulator SDKs

Now, no matter where I unpack and start Xcode 15, it wants to re-download these files.

What is the way this is supposed to work? Where should I put my downloads and uncompressed files?

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When I placed the *.simruntime packages in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes the Finder would not stop repeatedly complaining.

“xrOS 1.0.simruntime” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.

To silence that, I ran sudo xattr -r -d on each package.

When launching Xcode for the first time the runtimes that I already downloaded and copied to /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes were listed as «Downloading», the Downloads window in Xcode had no entries, and even though I could pick Simulators for iOS 17.0 and visionOS 1.0, I could not run them.

After deleting the packages in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes, I decided to get the runtimes using Xcode -> Preferences… -> Platforms.

Now I have a /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes directory with mounted disk images inside them and the .dmg files live in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Images.

There’s also a binary property list at /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Images/images.plist that seems vital.

Enough time wasted, visionOS waits for me. :)

  • This does not sound like it's the intended way either …

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Actually, you wouldn't need to download dmg files.

Here is the thing you can do via command line while getting away from ginormous dmg file downloads:

  1. Open

  2. Execute sudo xcode-select --switch /path/to/

  3. Execute xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch.

  4. Execute xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms and wait till it shows Downloading visionOS 1.0 Simulator (21N5165g): Done.

  5. If Terminal/Xcode 15 beta requires Full Disk Access or Developer Tools authority, allow it.

If you only need xrOS, fix the command in 3 for xcodebuild -downloadPlatform xrOS. (or any other than xrOS like: iOS, watchOS, tvOS)

If the command gets stuck on Finding content..., stop the command with Ctrl+c and delete xcodebuild cache by sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/

  • I don't think this is the intended way either.

    When you download beta 3, Xcode is downloaded as a zip and iOS is downloaded as a dmg

    The intention seems to be that when you run Xcode, it should use the iOS dmg file. however, it downloads the iOS component again.

    Also, the Xcode zip should be unzipped to into /Application rather than /Downloads

    The steps needed are

    Download Xcode an iOSMove the Xcode zip to \ApplicationsUnarchive Xcode by opening it

    The rest is a mystery

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I solved it by going into XCode 15.2 Settings -> Platforms

Remove the xrOS image that was still there and didn't mount anymore. Install visionOS 1.0