≠ Filters in Issues Navigator documentation?

When viewing issues in the Issues Navigator, one can type text in the Filter field which seems to be interpreted as a file name pattern. The blue popup to the left also has pre-created options for “Issue Kind” and “≠Depreciation.” Is there documentation for how to create similar negative filters?

I’m building a fork of LLVM, and would like to ignore some large classes of issues in the upstream code, e.g. implicit conversions.

The local help for the Navigator Area, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/diagnosing-memory-thread-and-crash-issues-early, and https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/build-system doesn’t seem to have anything relevant. Searching for “"Issues Navigator"” (in quotation marks) in the Forums is badly broken; the results are largely irrelevant, and seem identical to searching without the quotation marks. Searching in the web documentation returns no results.

I have this same problem. Where is this feature (new in Xcode 14) documented?


Type the word you want to filter out and press Return.

A popup menu triangle appears before the word that, when opened, offers 4 choices: Contains, Does Not Contain, Begins With, Ends With.

Still wish new Xcode features had some standard place to find descriptions.

≠ Filters in Issues Navigator documentation?