Easy and lightweight translation editing

I have some .strings file for translation in my app and it turns out one of them is pretty bad.

I have a new translator and I'm looking to make the process as easy for him as possible. Ideally, he would have just one file with my original english translation on the right, and the corresponding chinese translation on the right, making him easily be able to edit if necessary.

The issue I see here is that is to create that file and then rebuild the .strings file.

Is it possible? How would you do it?


The intended flow for working with translators is to use .strings (or the new .xcstrings) files within Xcode to specify/organize which strings need to be translated, then use Product > Export Localizations in the menu bar to get a Localization Catalog for a given language. This .xcloc file can then be sent to your translators and they can edit it in any translation tool of their choice that understands .xcloc or .xliff files. Then at some later point when they've finished translating, you can import the .xcloc file back into Xcode using Product > Import Localizations and the translations will be merged back into the .xc/strings files.

Ok thanks a lot for your help, looks easy enough!

Do you have recommendation for .xcloc editing tools apart from xcode? (on windows and/or mac)

Easy and lightweight translation editing